Jos Out
Het natuurlijke basiselement van de beeldhouwkunst is het allegorisch denken, het symbool, het heilige, de zoektocht naar de essentie die in de materie verborgen ligt"
Constantin Brancusi
Jos Out | Out Art
''My work is always exploratory. I learn from making a statue. I am fascinated by each creative process which is different every time. Creating art starts with exploring. Which materials am I going to use and what do I want to say? What possibilities does the stone offer me? A sculpture is shaped by removing stone. Stone that has been cut off cannot be retrieved again. In that sense sculpture is confrontational. Every act has consequences.''
In her work Jos tries to express polarity, an essential part of our existence. '' There is not a single facet of life of which we cannot determine its opposites. Knowing more has no value unless you have experienced both opposites. It is impossible to experience day without night, black without white. What interests me in particular is the soft image of the sculpture in contrast with the rigidity of the material that is used.''
Jos Out completed the 4-year course VABK (at the Free Academy of Sculpture), and is a qualified Artistic Counselor. She also did several courses and traineeships in the Netherlands and abroad, for example, in South-Africa (Neue Bethesda) and Italy (Pietra Santa). Every year she works in Italy for a few months.